أنميات استديو Colored Pencil Animation: قائمة متجددة بأحدث الإنتاجات

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اسم الاستديو: Colored Pencil Animation

الاسم الياباني: 彩色铅笔动画

تاريخ التأسيس: 1 مايو 2014

The company Colored-Pencil Animation Design (Chongqing Color Pencil Animation Design Co., Ltd.) mainly uses the production method of Japanese 2D animation as the system, and is mainly engaged in the production of domestic original animation. The current location is located in Yuzhong District, the main city of Chongqing. After more than a year of development, the company's production team has 40 original painters with strong professional ability. There is a strong cohesion within the team, and a large number of cultural products are produced in a streamlined manner with the requirements of "focus" and "efficiency". Among them, excellent film and television works such as "Mr. Surprise China", "Rolling Times" and "Steamed Bread Diary", which have cooperated with major media platforms, have been broadcast in a large number of online media, and have received rave reviews from the audience.

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Obey Me! أطعني!

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سيصور الانمي المقتبس من لعبة Obey Me! (أطعني!)، الحياة اليومية المفعمة بالحيوية للأخوة الشياطين من خلال حلقات خاصة منفصلة عن القصة الرئيسية للعبة.
فيديو أنمي Obey Me!

تابع المتعة واستكشف المزيد من القوائم الرائعة لدينا.